Policies, Plans, and Reports

Our Policies

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy

1A Table of Contents


1B        Definitions

1C        Vision and Mission Statement



2A        Library Manager

2B        Programming and Communication

2C        Library Clerk

2D        Collection and Circulation

2E        Patron Services Clerk

2F        School Library Services

2G        Schools Services Aide

2H        Volunteers

2I         Employee Data sheet



3A        Memberships

3B        Obligations and Duties

3C        Meetings

3D        Terms

3E        Orientation of New Members

3F        Honorariums and Renumerations

3G        Code of Ethics

3H        Finance and Fundraising Committee

3I         Marketing, Advocacy and Programming Committee

3J         Personnel and Policy Committee

4A        Finance

4B        Salary Grid/Attachment A



5A        Material Selection

5B        Donations

5C        Weeding and Maintaining



6A        Offer Letter Template

6B        Staff Orientation

6C        Performance Appraisals

6D        Terms of Employment

6E        Continuing Education



7A        Public Hours of Operation

7B        Circulation

7C        Terms of Use

7D        School hours of Operation

7E        Internet Access and Use

7F        Programming



8A        Confidentiality

8B        Records Management



9A        Patron Complaints

9B        Denial of Access

9C        Unattended Children

9D        Pandemic

10A      Emergency Procedures

11A      Policy on Policies

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Definitions

Policy: 1B 2004

Date Approved: June 1, 2005

Reviewed: December 13, 2021


  1. In these policies, the following words have these meanings:
  • Act means the Libraries Act (Alberta), being Chapter L-11 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, as amended from time to time, or any statute substituted for it.
  • Board means the Town of Grimshaw Library Board, which governs the Library pursuant to the Act. The Board is comprised of one appointed official, and community members.
  • Board Chair means the person from time to time elected or deemed elected as chair of the Board, and includes the Vice-Chair or a temporary chair when acting in substitution for the Board Chair.
  • Borrower means the registered user of a Valid Library Membership.
  • Employee means those full-time, part-time, casual and temporary persons who are employed by the Library and are responsible for library service at the Grimshaw Municipal Library.
  • FOIPP means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta), RSA 2000, c. F-25.
  • Hours of Opening means the hours that Library Premises are open to members of the public for using or borrowing Library Materials and using other services.
  • Interlibrary Loan means acquiring one or more resources from another library on behalf of a Library Member.
  • Library Materials include items such as books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, audiovisual materials, electronic resources, and maps, in the collection of the Library or borrowed by the Library.
  • Library Premises means any premises used by the Library for Library purposes.
  • Loan Period means the period of time for which a Library Member may borrow Library Materials, and includes any renewal of an original Loan Period.
  • Regulations means the Libraries Regulation, being Alta Reg 141/1998, as amended from time to time, or any regulation substituted for it, and any additional regulations made pursuant to the Act.
  • Town means the Town of Grimshaw.
  • Valid Library Membership means that the Library Member’s record is current and in good standing.
  • Volunteers means those individuals who perform duties that contribute to the operation of the Library, or the provisions of library services, but are not paid a wage of salary for performing those duties.

     2. In these regulations unless contrary intention appears in context:

  • Words importing male persons include female persons
  • Words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.
  • Where a word is defined, other parts of speech and tenses of that word have corresponding meanings.
  • Where a period of time dating from a given day, act or event is prescribed or allowed for any purposes, the time shall be reckoned exclusively of such day or of the day of such act or event.
  • Where the time limit for doing anything falls on a day when the Library is closed to the public, the time shall be deemed to be extended to the first day thereafter in which the library is open to the public.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Vision/Mission Statement

Policy:   1C 2004


Approved: November 18, 2019





Connection for everyone




Our mission is to provide a welcoming environment for people to enrich their lives through information, education and entertainment.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2B   2004

Date Approved:  May 4, 2016


Position Title:  Library Manager

Position:  Full Time


Reports to: Grimshaw Library Board


Position Summary:

The Library Manager is accountable to the Library Board for the day-to-day operations of the Library facility and is responsible for integrating the decisions made by the board with the operations of the Library in accordance with the Plan of Service.  The Library Manager must be able to demonstrate a passion for public library service and be skilled at building relationships in collaborative, community and school focused environment.

It would be desirable for the Library Manager of the Grimshaw Municipal Library to have a certificate or degree in Library services. Bookkeeping, budgeting, and administrative capabilities are an asset to this position.

Qualifications and or Performance Expectations:

The Library Manager must:

  • Ensure patron confidentiality
  • Provide quality patron service
  • Have a working knowledge of budgets and grants
  • Demonstrate the following in the day-to-day operation of the Library:
  1. Effective communications skills
  2. Planning, organization and research skills
  3. Conflict management skills
  4. Commitment and flexibility
  5. Creativity and attention to detail.
  • Have a working knowledge of library computer hardware and software
  • Have strong leadership and motivational abilities
  • Have strong decision-making and problem solving abilities
  • Be multi-tasked oriented
  • Implement programs and services in order to meet the goals of the library and the needs of the community and the schools
  • Implement Board policies and make decisions within policy guidelines
  • Administer and oversee all operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library
  • Ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.

Personal Relations:

The Library Manager will:

  • Be responsible for hiring, training, supervising, evaluating and dismissing staff
  • Consult the Personnel committee of the Library Board as to the manner of the staff dismissal.
  • Keep staff up to date on Library Board policies and practices
  • Ensure the talents of each staff member are utilized in the best manner possible, allowing everyone a sense of empowerment and job ownership.
  • Encourage professional development activities for the staff

Board Relations:

The Library Manager will:

  • Keep accurate and detailed financial records for all library functions according to generally accepted accounting practices. All accounting software will be approved by the Library Board.
  • Participate in all Library Board meetings, except portions thereof when own salary is being determined
  • Act as an advisor to the Library Board
  • Prepare Library Board agendas
  • Provide the Library Board with a library monthly report, keeping the Library Board informed on all aspects of Library operations and programs
  • Inform Library Board of any changes in Legislation regulating libraries
  • Maintain a good working relationship with the Library Board
  • Provide the Library Board with feedback on public comments
  • Act as liaison between Library Board and staff
  • Ensure that financial and budgetary information is available in a timely manner
  • Consult with the Library Board any out of ordinary expenses
  • Be an advisor on the following committees as requested: Finance and Fund Raising: Personnel and policy: Program, Marketing and Advocacy
  • Keep a detailed record of all monies received and expended
  • Maintain a file of all receipts or vouchers which funds were paid out.
  • Review polices with the board in a regular basis


The Library Manager:

  • Implements Library Board policy and administers to organization
  • Manages day to day operation in the Library
  • Keeps Library materials current and appropriate by monitoring the needs of the community
  • Establishes objectives with the staff to ensure goals set out in the five year plan will be met
  • Is liaison with community agencies in Grimshaw in joint programming efforts
  • Works as a liaison with the Town Council
  • Ensures the building is in good physical repair by keeping the Town Maintenance Personnel apprised of its condition
  • Ensures statistics are maintained and reported to the correct body of governance
  • Will work with the Peace Library System towards the full implementation of the Alberta Public Library Electronic Network in the Library
  • Ensures the smooth operations of resource sharing.

Peace Library System:

The Library Manager:

  • Ensures contracted services are provided as agreed, monitors their implementation
  • Makes Peace Library System aware of the issues for which the Library requires assistance
  • Attends the Annual Public Librarians Meeting and the meetings that may be required on a regional basis
  • Provides copies of all reports to the Peace Library System
  • Attends the annual Peace Library System Library Conference

Technical Operations:

The Library Manager:

  • Provides direction to the Library Board regarding equipment replacement
  • Ensures smooth operations of all hardware and software on the Library equipment
  • Ensures all staff is trained in the provision of information services via on-line databases and the internet
  • Oversees library webpage and Facebook page

Planning and Programming:

The Library Manager:

  • Recommends policy to be set by the Library Board
  • Assesses needs for new programs
  • Prepares long and short range program plans and proposal in consultation the Library programmers
  • Establishes on going plans for existing Library activities
  • Plans and implements awareness campaigns
  • Evaluates programs
  • Ensures records are maintained of all activities both statistical and descriptive
  • Determines the need for, plans and ensures the delivery of appropriate library related programming
  • Oversees all programs
  • Ensures programs stay within the budget allotted

Public Relations:

The Library Manager:

  • Works with the public in a professional and courteous manner
  • Interacts with agencies, the public, and business community when conducting Library Business
  • Keeps the public aware of Library events
  • Makes the Library visually and physically attractive
  • Works with the Peace Library System in promoting libraries
  • Promotes positive aspects of membership in the Peace Library System to council and local communities


The Library Manager will:

  • Ensure all debts incurred by the library are paid in a timely manner
  • Ensures all requests for payment are signed by the appropriate body
  • Provide all relevant documentation to the auditors upon request
  • Provide pertinent information to the Town for accurate reporting of the Library Board’s Financial position
  • Establish and maintain procedures for bookkeeping and fiscal control
  • Keep complete and accurate record of all income and expenses for the Library
  • Assist in preparing the yearly budget
  • Work with the Library Board, staff and other agencies in fundraising
  • Analyze the budget often to ensure necessary revisions are made well in advance

Other Responsibilities:

The Library Manager will:

  • Be alert for training opportunities for own self, staff and Library Board
  • Prepare annual report for Municipal Affairs and Public Library Services Branch
  • Be alert to opportunities for alternate sources of funding

Oversee development and management of the Library Collection.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2B   2016

Date Approved:  May 4, 2017


Position Title:  Programming & Communications Coordinator

Position:  Full Time


Reports to:  The Library Manager


Position Summary:

Manages and monitors the needs of the community to implement programs and activities.  Maintains joint programming with community groups where possible, and awareness of existing programs.


Manages the timely and accurate preparation and dissemination of all communications materials for the Library; works collaboratively to develop and deliver appropriate and effective marketing/communications and advertising plans that promote Library programs, events and services.


Must have clear understanding of all policies and procedures governing the operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.


Qualifications and/or Performance Expectations

  • Ensure patron confidentiality
  • Provide quality patron services
  • Demonstrate the following in day to day operation of the Library
    • Excellent composition and communication skills
    • Planning, organization, and research skill
    • Conflict management skills
    • Creativity and attention to detail
    • Experience with graphic design and photography
  • Have a working knowledge of library computer hardware and software
  • Have strong leadership and motivational abilities
  • Flexibility, co-operation, ability to work to deadlines and multi-tasking
  • Maintain current training through the Peace Library System
  • Attend the annual Peace Library System Library Conference
  • Ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.


Personnel Relations

  • Assumes the Library Managers duties in his/her absence as requested
  • May assist the Library Manager in training and supervising of staff
  • Assist or train public members in the library use and computer use
  • Provide the Library Manager with feedback on patron reactions and/or comments to Board Policies and Practices
  • Demonstrate and encourage professionalism amongst co-workers
  • May be asked to participate in interview and selection process of new staff members and on-going staff training

Board Relations

  • Participate in meeting with the Library Board, as requested
  • Provide feedback on existing programs and share ideas for developing new programs
  • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned



  • Assist in the day to day operation in the Library
  • Assists in keeping Library materials current and appropriate by monitoring the needs of the community
  • Maintains statistics and records of Library usage, reference questions, interlibrary loans, new books programs and computer usage
  • Assists with grant and funding applications as needed


Technical Operations

  • Assist the Library Manager in providing direction to the Board regarding equipment replacement
  • Ensure smooth operations of all hardware and software on library equipment
  • Assist in training staff/patrons in the provision of information services via on-line databases and the Internet.
  • Maintain and create on-line social media presence
  • Design and provide promotional materials for library campaigns and initiatives


Planning and Programming

  • Plans long and short range program plans and proposal in consultation with the Library Manager
  • Establishes on-going plans for existing Library activities
  • Keeps records of all activities, both statistical and descriptive
  • Plans programs for ages 6 and up
  • Assist Library Manager as requested
  • Promotes library e-resources
  • Work with children’s programmer as required


Public Relations

  • Helps the public in a professional and courteous manner
  • Interacts with agencies, the public, business community and school community in a professional and courteous manner when conducting library business
  • Keeps the public aware of Library events
  • Makes the Library visually and physically attractive
  • Works with the Peace Library System in promoting libraries
  • Promotes positive aspects of membership in the Peace Library System to council and the community
  • Responsible for marketing and advertising campaigns


  • Ensure daily records are kept and deposits are made in the Library Managers absence, as requested


Additional Job Routines

The coordinator will be responsible for carrying out the following routines and any others as may be assigned when necessary.

  • Opening and closing the library
  • Janitorial duties, as necessary
  • Be responsible for cash book transactions including: dues, fines, and miscellaneous
  • Process patron current status/checkouts/returns/renewals/reserves
  • Process new and renewed library memberships
  • Answer telephone and client queries and requests
  • Recover books and perform minor repairs as needed
  • Assist patrons with reference inquiries, location of materials, and internet inquiries
  • Perform minor overdue duties
  • Have a working knowledge of computer hardware and software


Collection Management:

  • Provide recommendations and feedback on collection management
  • Evaluate the collection for the purposes of addition and/or deletion of titles
  • Select and order library materials
  • Ensure the classification and processing of all library material
  • Ensure the collection is maintained in good order and repair
  • Receive, prepare and enter acquisitions and donations into computer database as required
  • Perform inventory count as required
  • Maintain statistics for annual report for Municipal Affairs


Interlibrary Loan System

  • Process interlibrary loan requests received internally, through email, the Government courier service or regular mail.
  • Generate Polaris Reports pertaining to Interlibrary loans, overdue notices and daily statistics

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2C   2004


Date Approved:  May 4, 2017


Position Title: Library Clerk

Position: Part Time


Reports to:  Library Manager


Position Summary:


The library clerk is responsible for providing efficient, effective and respectful patron service to all patrons.

Must have a clear understanding all policies and procedures governing the operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.


Qualifications and/or Performance Expectations


The Library Clerk must:

  • Ensure patron confidentiality
  • Provide quality patron services
  • Demonstrate the following in the day to day operation of the Library
    • Effective communications skills
    • Planning, organization and research skills
    • Conflict management skills
    • Commitment and flexibility
    • Creativity and attention to detail
  • Have a working knowledge of library computer hardware and software
  • Be multi-tasked oriented.
  • Ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.


Personnel Relations


The Library Clerk will:

  • Assist and/or train public members in library use and computer use
  • Provide the Library Manager with feedback on patrons reactions and/or comments
  • Demonstrate and encourage professionalism amongst co-workers
  • Perform other duties and/or functions as assigned by the Library Manager or her designate
  • Maintain good rapport with all library patrons


Public Relations


The Library Clerk will:

  • Work with the public in a professional and courteous manner
  • Makes the library visually and physically attractive
  • Works with the Peace Library System in promoting libraries
  • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned
  • Promotes library events and services


Listing of Job Routines


The Library Clerk will be responsible for carrying out the following routines and any other as may be assigned when necessary.


  • Performs circulation desk procedures, such as checking in and checking out

materials, registering patrons and collecting fines.

  • Be responsible for cash book transactions including: dues, fines and miscellaneous
  • Process patron current status/checkouts/returns/renewals/reserves
  • Process new and renewed library memberships
  • Answer telephone and client queries and requests
  • Perform light janitorial duties, vacuuming and garbage
  • Responsible for opening and closing library whenever necessary
  • Keeps the library in a neat and orderly appearance
  • Checks in deliveries of interlibrary loan materials.
  • Does typing and filing.
  • Processes, withdraws, repairs, or reconditions library materials.
  • Shelves library materials and reads shelves.
  • Assists with library programs and displays.
  • Assist patron with ready-reference questions and reader advisory, bibliographic

instruction and database searching.

  • Assists patrons with mechanical operations of library equipment.
  • Answers directional questions and refers patrons to appropriate personnel.
  • Performs other related work as required
  • Trained in the use of TRAC, TAL and VDX
    • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned
    • Perform inventory count as required
    • Maintain statistics for annual report for Municipal Affairs
    • Maintains statistics and records of Library usage, reference questions
      • Maintain current training through the Peace Library System

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2D   2016

Date Approved:  May 4, 2016


Position Title:  Collection & Circulation Coordinator

Position: Full Time/Part Time


Reports to:  Library Manager


Position Summary:

Tasks include selecting, acquiring, cataloguing, classifying, circulating, and maintaining library materials; and furnishing reference, bibliographical, and readers' advisory services. May perform in-depth, strategic research, and synthesize, analyze, edit, and filter information. May set up or work with databases and information systems to catalogue and access information.

Ensure data integrity in library cataloging and loan systems through careful work and attention to detail.

Must have a clear understanding all policies and procedures governing the operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library, assists with the smooth and efficient running of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.


Qualifications and or Performance Expectations


  • Ensure patron confidentiality
  • Provide quality patron services
  • Demonstrate the following in the day to day operation of the Library
  • Effective communications skills
  1. Planning, organization and research skill
  2. Conflict management skills
  3. Commitment and flexibility
  4. Creativity and attention to detail
  • Have a working knowledge of library computer hardware and software
  • Be multi-tasked oriented
  • Has the ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.
    • Self-motivated, dependable, enthusiastic, and interested in the work being done.


Personnel Relations


  • Assist and/or train public member in library use and computer use
  • Provide the Library Manager with feedback on clients’ reactions and/or comments
  • Demonstrate and encourage professionalism amongst co-workers
  • Perform other duties and/or functions as assigned by the Library Manager or her designate
  • Provide the Library Manager with feedback regarding any aspects of his/her training
  • Maintain good rapport with all library patrons

Public Relations


  • Work with the public in a professional and courteous manner
  • Keeps the public aware of Library events
  • Makes the Library visually and physically attractive


Additional Routines …  Assist Patron Services Clerk as needed


  • Be responsible for cash book transaction including: dues, fines and miscellaneous
  • Process patron current status/checkouts/returns/renewals/reserves
  • Process new and renewed Library Memberships
  • Answer telephone and patron queries and requests
  • Recover books and perform minor repairs as needed
  • Assist patrons with reference inquiries, location of materials, and internet inquiries
  • Perform minor overdue duties
  • Have a working knowledge of computer hardware and software
  • Perform light janitorial duties, including vacuuming and garbage
  • Responsible for opening and closing the library when needed


Interlibrary Loan Services

  • Process interlibrary loan requests received internally, through email, the Government courier service or regular mail.
  • Generate Polaris Reports pertaining to interlibrary loans
  • Process incoming and outgoing Interlibrary loans
  • Pull materials as per Polaris Request Manager
  • Check in and pack/unpack materials for shipping
  • Maintain records
  • Review and evaluate resource material, such as book reviews and catalogs, in order to select and order print, audiovisual, and electronic resources.
  • Code, classify, and catalog books, publications, films, audiovisual aids, and other library materials based on subject matter or standard library classification systems.


Collection Management


  • Strong understanding of user services and their relationship to collection development

and collection management.

  • Budget handling and financial management
  • Monitors the selection of materials and special collection projects to make sure that community needs are being met.
  • Understanding of library collections, selection, publishing and acquisitions issues.


I have read and have been given an opportunity to ask questions regarding this job description. I also understand that this job description does not constitute an implied or expressed contract for

employment with Grimshaw Municipal Library. In addition, I understand that Grimshaw Municipal Library is an employment at will employer and that the company or I may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause.

Furthermore, I understand that this job description does not contain all of the responsibilities that I may be asked to carry out while employed with Grimshaw Municipal Library and that I will perform other duties that are assigned to me to the best of my abilities.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2E

Date Approved:  October 18, 2021


Position Title:  Patron Services Clerk

Positions:  Full Time/Part Time


Reports to:  The Library Manager


Position Summary:

Patron Services clerk is the first point of contact for patrons and is required to exhibit excellent customer service while performing all work duties. The patron services clerk is responsible for providing efficient, effective and respectful service to all patrons. Patrons should feel valued and respected after all library interactions.

The patron services clerk must have a clear understanding of all policies and procedures governing the operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.


Qualifications and/or Performance Expectations


The Patron Services Clerk must:

  • Ensure patron confidentiality.
  • Provide quality patron services.
  • Demonstrate the following in day to day operation of the library:
    • Excellent composition and communication skills
    • Planning, organization, and research skill0
    • Conflict management skills
    • Creativity and attention to detail
  • Demonstrate strong knowledge of computer hardware and software used in the library.
  • ·          Ability to work independently and with others.
  • Handle patron interactions, while following all appropriate Grimshaw Municipal Library policies and procedures.
    • Have flexibility, co-operation, ability to work to deadlines and multi-tasking.
    • Have ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.
    • Be knowledgeable about all library programs, and promote library programs, events, and collection (including e-resources) as appropriate through word of mouth interaction with patrons.
    • Perform regular walk-throughs of the building, throughout each shift, to help maintain order and cleanliness throughout the Library building.
      • Maintain current training through the Peace Library System.
      • Attend the annual Peace Library System Library Conference, when funding permits.


Personnel Relations

The Patron Services Clerk will:

  • Assist and/or train patrons in library use and computer use.
  • Provide the Library Manager with feedback on patron’s reactions and/or comments.
  • Demonstrate and encourage professionalism amongst co-workers.
  • Perform other duties and/or functions as assigned by the Library Manager or her designate.
  • Maintain good rapport with all library patrons.


Public Relations


The Patron Services Clerk will:

  • Work with the public in a professional and courteous manner.
  • Make the library visually and physically attractive.
  • Interact with agencies, the public, business community and school community in a professional and courteous manner when conducting library business.
  • Work with the Peace Library System in promoting libraries.
  • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned.
  • Promote library events and services.


Listing of Job Routines

The Patron Services Clerk will be responsible for carrying out the following routines and any other as may be assigned when necessary:

  • Perform circulation desk procedures, such as checking in and checking out

materials, registering patrons and collecting fines.

  • Be responsible for cash book transactions including: dues, fines and miscellaneous.
  • Process patron current status/checkouts/returns/renewals/reserves.
  • Process new and renewed library memberships.
  • Answer telephone and client queries and requests.
  • Performs a variety of patron contact duties including: actively assisting patrons with finding library materials, using the catalog, handling all circulation duties, shelving library materials.
    • Perform light janitorial duties, vacuuming and garbage
    • Be responsible for opening and closing library whenever necessary.
    • Keep the library in a neat and orderly appearance.
    • Check in deliveries of interlibrary loan materials.
    • Do typing and filing.
    • Process, withdraw, repair, or recondition library materials.
    • Assist with library programs and displays, when required.
    • Assist patrons with mechanical operations of library equipment.
    • Answer directional questions and refers patrons to appropriate personnel.
    • Perform other related work as required.
    • ·        Be trained in the use of TRAC.
      • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned.
      • Perform inventory count as required
      • Maintain statistics and records of library usage and reference questions
      • Keep informed of library collections, selection, publishing and acquisitions issues.
        • Assist patrons with reference inquiries, location of materials, and internet inquiries.
        • Maintain current training through the Peace Library System.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy

Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy: 2F

Date Approved: May 4, 2016


Position Title:  School Library Services Coordinator

Position:  Full Time


Position Report to:  Library Manager


Position Summary:

This is a public library position created to build a sense of community for students and school staff of the Holy Family Catholic School Division and the Peace River School Division.  Through this inclusive and stimulating environment the library will encourage students in their journey of lifelong learning. 


Has a clear understanding of all policies and procedures governing the operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.



Qualifications and or Performance Expectations


The School Library Services Coordinator will:


  • Apply public library and school(s) policies
  • Work to create a harmonious work environment with management, peers and other organizations within the Town of Grimshaw.
  • Collaborate with school(s) and library to benefit the relationship of student, school and library.
  • Inform Library Manager of school or patron requests or concerns.
    • Ensure patron confidentiality.
    • Provide quality patron services.
    • Demonstrate the following in the day to day operation of the library:
    • Effective communications skills
  1. Planning, organization and research skill
  2. Conflict management skills
  3. Commitment and flexibility
  4. Creativity and attention to detail
  • Have a working knowledge of library computer hardware and software.
  • Be multi-tasked oriented.
  • Have the ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.
    • Be self-motivated, dependable, enthusiastic, and interested in the work being done.
    • Develop and maintain a trusting rapport with students in helping them achieve their learning goals


Personnel Relations


The School Library Services Coordinator will:

  • Build a relationship with students and staff while encouraging a love for lifelong learning.
    • Work with the public in a professional and courteous manner.
    • Make the library visually and physically attractive.
    • Interact with agencies, the public, business community and school community in a professional and courteous manner when conducting library business.
    • Work with the Peace Library System in promoting libraries.
    • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned.
    • Promote library events and services.


Listing of Job Routines


  • Familiarize oneself with resources that will complement Alberta Curricula.
  • Schedule class library times in coordination with provided weekly schedule
  • Process library cards for students and school staff
  • Provide standard circulation procedures including, but not limited to: access to library materials, assistance with interlibrary loans from schools and other public libraries, renewals and searching for materials in print and online.
    • Observe each child to assess skills, interests and needs and use this information to facilitate individual learning and growth
    • Assist students in social skills development
    • Track interlibrary loans on the Polaris library system used by the Grimshaw Municipal Library.
    • Provide training and assistance on how to use the electronic resources provided by the Grimshaw Municipal Library.
    • Assist teachers by pulling library resources for classroom use.
    • Take and record collection recommendations by students and school (s) staff.
    • Act as a resource to other schools and/or community agencies as appropriate.

Customer Service:  this becomes a primary service when not working directly with students or staff of the school.

  • Greet the public, creating an approachable and inviting atmosphere for questions and promotion of the library.
  • Inform the public of library and community events.
  • Addresses patron’s needs by
    • Maintain excellent public relations with library patrons and community
    • Circulation desk duties, including the charge and discharge of circulation materials and patron registration
    • Provide patrons with a tour through the TRAC catalogue system as well as our library
    • Assist patrons in resource and information retrieval
    • Educate patrons how to access e-resources
    • Maintain patron circulation files
    • Deals with damaged or lost items
    • Provide service of faxing, photocopying and scanning
    • Provide basic help for patrons at public computer terminals
    • Answers telephone inquiries
    • Order curriculum and student interest base resources, through Peace Library System, working with designated staff
    • Assist in shelving and keeping an orderly collection
    • Schedule bookings for the Library Program space during school and public hours
    • Provide presentations about library services to school staff and students
    • Assist in developing student related library programming
    • Advertise library programs through the school


Library Resource Management

  • May assist in selecting public library resources including books, magazines, videos and any other material, under the direction of the Library Manager.
  • May receive and process donations, under the direction of the Library Manager.
  • Ensures that library resources are entered into the Polaris system keeping orderly records of the Grimshaw Municipal Library collections.
  • Remove damaged or worn items from circulation and if need be, process fines.


Library Facility

  • Ensure the orderliness and attractiveness of the Library
  • Report safety issues to the Library Manager



  • Other duties as assigned by the Library Manager
  • Attend Peace Library System training workshops, funds permitting.
  • Assist in implementing of community events.
  • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2G

Date Approved:  May 4, 2016


Position Title: School Library Services Aide

Position:  Full Time/Part Time


Reports To:  School Library Services Coordinator/ Library Manager


Position Summary:


This is a public library position created to build a sense of community for students and school staff of the Holy Family Catholic School Division and the Peace River School Division.  Through this inclusive and stimulating environment the library will encourage students in their journey of lifelong learning.

 This position provides assistance to the School Relations Library Coordinator.  


Has a clear understanding of all policies and procedures governing the operations of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.


Qualifications and or Performance Expectations


The School Library Services Aide will:

  • Apply public library and school(s) policies
  • Work to create a harmonious work environment with management, peers and other organizations within the Town of Grimshaw.
  • Collaborate with school(s) and library to benefit the relationship of student, school and library.
  • Inform School Library Services Coordinator of school or patron requests or concerns.
    • Ensure patron confidentiality.
    • Provide quality patron services.
    • Demonstrate the following in the day to day operation of the library:
    • Effective communications skills
  1. Planning, organization and research skill
  2. Conflict management skills
  3. Commitment and flexibility
  4. Creativity and attention to detail
  • Have a working knowledge of library computer hardware and software.
  • Be multi-tasked oriented.
  • Have the ability to work both as a member of a team and independently.
    • Be self-motivated, dependable, enthusiastic, and interested in the work being done.
    • Develop and maintain a trusting rapport with students in helping them achieve their learning goals


Personnel Relations

The School Library Services Aide will:

  • Build a relationship with students and staff while encouraging a love for lifelong learning.
    • Work with the public in a professional and courteous manner.
    • Make the library visually and physically attractive.
    • Interact with agencies, the public, business community and school community in a professional and courteous manner when conducting library business.
    • Work with the Peace Library System in promoting libraries.
    • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned.
    • Promote library events and services.

Listing of Job Routines


  • Provide support to the School Relations Coordinator
  • Monitor students during library time to ensure that they behave in a proper manner
  • Monitor student arrivals and departures
  • Assist Coordinator in developing plans in ensure smooth library operations
  • Set up library equipment such as tables and chairs as needed
  • Help in maintaining a clean and organized program area and library learning area
  • Ensure sanitation of all surfaces, equipment and toys
  • Assist students in social skills development
  • Assist in putting up bulletins
  • Ensure that students retain information by repeating information constantly and practicing patience
  • Observe each child to assess skills, interests and needs and use this information to facilitate individual learning and growth
  • Provide comfort to distressed children through compassion and tact
  • Develop and maintain a trusting rapport with students in helping them achieve their learning goals
  • Be a positive influence on students.


Library Facility

  • Ensure the orderliness and attractiveness of the Library
  • Report safety issues to the Library Manager



  • Other duties as assigned by the Library Manager
  • Attend Peace Library System training workshops, funds permitting.
  • Assist in implementing of community events.
  • Assist with fundraising activities as assigned.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Job Descriptions

Policy:   2H    2004


Date Approved: January 16, 2013


Volunteer Job Description


Position summary:


The volunteer is accountable to the Library Manager of the Grimshaw Municipal Library. The volunteer is requested to perform all tasks as outlined below and to advise the Library Manager of any problems that may arise.


Our Responsibilities to Our Volunteers


During your volunteer hours at the library the Library Staff will:

  • Provide a clean and safe work environment
  • Provide you with training to ensure you can complete your assigned duties with confidence
  • Listen to your ideas, questions and concerns and to act on them accordingly
  • Make you aware of any changes that affect how you complete your duties
  • Provide an opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people
  • Make you feel welcome and treat you as a co-worker
  • Recognize your contributions to the Library


Position Guidelines


We request that the volunteer adhere to the following rules during his/her volunteer hours at the Library.

  • That your attire be neat and tidy
  • That you arrive at your agreed upon start time and ready for work
  • That you call ahead if you are unable to come so those arrangements can be made for a replacement
  • That you conduct yourself in a responsible manner suitable for a Library
  • That you complete all tasks assigned to the best of your ability
  • That you operate as part of a team, which includes the library staff and fellow volunteers
  • That you record your hours on your volunteer time sheet each week

Employee Data Sheet

Employee Name: _______________________Last _____M.I ____________________First

Address: ___________________________ Home Telephone: __________________

___________________________ Other Telephone: __________________

DOB: __________________ Driver’s License #: ______________________

SSN: __________________ Issued: _________

Emergency Contacts:

1) Name___________________ _____ Contact #_______________________

Relationship___________________ Secondary Contact #______________________

2) Name___________________ _____ Contact #_______________________

Relationship___________________ Secondary Contact #______________________

Physician: _________________ Location and/or Phone #: __________________________


Driver’s License or Photo ID Copy


Hire Date: _____________


Rate of Pay: ________


Job Title: ________





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Town of Grimshaw Library Board


Subject: Board Membership

Policy: 3A


Reviewed & Approved: June 20, 2022


The Town of Grimshaw Library Board is a governing board and is a corporation with full management and control of the public library, Libraries Act (Part 1, Section 7). The Board is legal entity and authority for the library it serves and directs. It is an empowered body of person charged, before the law, with responsibility for and authority over the organizational structure set up to fulfill the library’s goals.

1. Town of Grimshaw council appoints and unappoints library board trustees.   New appointments come from applications received by the library board.


2. Upon appointment,  a board member is a trustee and shall:

  1. Be card carrying member of the library
  2. Represent a cross-section of the general readership of the library.
  3. Provide the skills and/or background that will contribute to the board’s ability to represent the public.
  4. Make decisions that are in the best interest of the public
  5. Trustees are subject to common law principles and must act accordingly


3. The number of members serving on the library board shall consist of no less than 5 and no more of 10 members.


4. A person who is an employee of the library is not eligible to be a trustee of the board.


5. No more than two town council representative may serve on the library board.


6. Appointments to the board shall be for a term of three years.


7. Trustees on the library board are eligible to be reappointed for up to 2 additional consecutive terms

     a) The expectation would be if at least 2/3 of the town council passes a resolution stating the trustee may be reappointed for an additional term.


8. Trustees are recommended to council by the board as required


9. Trustees wishing to resign from the board shall notify the board in writing, one-month prior if possible to the date of resignation


10. A library board trustee is disqualified from remaining a member of the library board if he/she fails to attend, without being authorized by resolution of the board to do so, for three consecutive regular meetings. He/she is deemed to have resigned his/her position on the board as outlined in the Alberta Libraries Act, Part 5 31(1)

Town of Grimshaw Library Board


Subject: Board, Obligation and Duties

Policy:  3B 2004


Reviewed & Approved: June 20, 2022


Role of a Governing Board:


The role of the board (always acting as a whole) is to articulate and communicate the vision. It defines the parameters within which the organization operates. The governing board carries out its responsibility through the implementation of five functions:


Policy          Personnel       Financial          Advocacy     Program


The Library Board establishes the purpose, identity, continuity and progress of the library in order to sustain it through periods of change. The board has the ultimate responsibility for the implementation of the purpose of the library.



1.All board trustees shall be committed to the objectives of the library. Each trustee shall accept a share of the tasks involved in meeting these objectives.


2. Trustees of the library board shall develop clear policies for the staff and volunteers to follow.


Performance Expectations of the Town of Grimshaw Library Board

 1. Loyalty:  represents un-conflicted loyalty to the interests of the Library Board

 2. Conflict of interest:  avoid conflict of interest with respect to fiduciary responsibility.  Fiduciary responsibility relates holding a position of trust that requires a board member to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the town of Grimshaw Library Board

 3. Individual Authority:  must not exercise individual authority over staff or programs, except as described in policy

 4. Conduct: deal with outside entities or individuals, with clients and staff, and with each other in a manner reflecting fair play, ethics and straightforward communication

 5. Meeting Preparation: be informed about current issues, and any research or background information. Be prepared to discuss issues. Notify the library manager in advance if unable to attend a board meeting. If possible notify the library manager in advance if you have agenda items to be added. Read minutes before the meetings, identify errors and if necessary add points. Read pre-meeting material and note questions at the meeting

 6. Active Participation: attend all board and committee meetings. Be punctual, ask questions, participate in discussions and decision-making, respond to ideas and show initiative. Develop a working knowledge of meeting procedures

 7. Board and Staff relations: Help maintain friendly, positive working relationship with board, staff and service volunteers

 8. Confidentiality: keep confidential board business and matters of a delicate manner

 9. Image: Speak positively of the organization to the public


Job Description: Board Member



The Board of Trustees are the legal authority for the Town of Grimshaw Library Board. As a member of the board, a board volunteer is a trustee of the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization. Each board member is responsible for considering and deciding upon matters of organization policy, programs and expenditures. Trustees of the board collectively exercise full authority over all aspects of the library’s operations.


Requirements for membership include:

  1. A commitment to the work of the organization
  2. Specific knowledge and skills in one or more of the areas of the board governance- policy, personnel, financial, advocacy and programs
  3. A willingness to serve on one or more committees
  4. Attendance at board, and assigned committee meetings
  5. Support of special and fundraising events


Functions and general duties:

The collective responsibilities and functions of the board members are as follows:


A: Policy Governance


  1. To comply with the sections and subsections of the Alberta Libraries Act under which the Grimshaw Municipal Library is organized; enact its own bylaw as required in the Libraries Act, Part 5, Section 40
  2. To comply with current Town of Grimshaw by-laws pertaining to the Grimshaw Municipal Library and Board
  3. To establish, review and revise policy; initiate a review and revision of the policy manual
  4. To promote library legislation that improves and extends library services


B: Program Governance


  1. To establish a program planning cycle
  2. To monitor and evaluate programs and services
  3. To set goals and objectives for the library as required by the Libraries Act
  4. To assess the needs of the community to determine appropriate library objectives for the year
  5. To liaison with the Peace Library System, through their appointed representative
  6. To cooperate with other groups in the community on projects of joint interest


C: Personnel Governance


  1. To define and evaluate roles, responsibilities and functions of the board, library manager, staff, committees, volunteers and memberships
  2. To suggest potential board members to Council
  3. To oversee orientation and training of new board members
  4. To monitor board effectiveness


D: Financial Governance


  1. Responsible for fundraising strategies
  2. To endeavour to secure adequate funding to carry out library objectives
  3. Must prepare and submit a budget with an estimate of local appropriation required during the ensuing year to operate and manage the library to council before Dec 1, as per Libraries Act, Part 1, Section 8(1)
  4. To establish a management plan of assets of the organization
  5. To allocate funds for the operation of the library


E: Advocacy


  1. To confirm the organization’s identity within the community through advocacy governance
  2. To represent the library’s beliefs and values to the community, governments, foundations, corporations, and funding agencies


Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board Meetings

Policy: 3C


Reviewed & Approved: June 20, 2022


1. Meetings shall be conducted according to a consistent accepted standard


2. There shall be a minimum of nine meetings annually


3. Meetings shall be held the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise determined


4. A quorum shall be a majority of the membership of the Board


5. Employee salaries and benefits shall be reviewed at the fall meetings. (4A)


6. The budget will be approved at the October or November meeting, and submitted to the Grimshaw Town Council for approval for local appropriation.


7. Board adoptions shall be made in the following format:

  1. Motion recorded, along with who made it, discussion follows
  2. Vote is recorded if requested (adopted January 7, 2004)


Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board Terms

Policy: 3D


Updated & Approved: Sept. 17, 2018

Reviewed & Approved: March 18, 2019


1. The board shall elect its officers from the members of the board at the December organizational meeting.


2. Officer of the Board and their duties shall be:



  • Preside at all official meetings, preserve order and enforce by-laws of the board.
  • Be ex-officio member of all sub-committees.
  • Represent the board at public functions, when required.
  • Assist the Library Manager in preparing an agenda for the meeting.
  • Make decisions that may be required between meetings of the Board.



  • In absence of the chair, acts in the capacity of the Chair
  • Undertakes to do specific assignments for the Chair.



  • Records the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Board.
  • Shall write correspondence as directed by the Board.


3. Signing Authority:

  • Three people to have signing authority on cheques made on behalf of the Board, the Chairperson, the Vice Chair, and the Library Manager and two of three to sign.


4. The Board will appoint, from its members, such committees as it may deem necessary and define the functions of such committees.

  • Personnel
  • Policy
  • Finance & Fundraising
  • Marketing, Advocacy & Programming

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board, Orientation of New Members

Policy: 3E 2004


Date Reviewed: October 6, 2009

Reviewed & Approved: March 18, 2019


1. Upon appointment to the Board a member shell receive a binder containing:

  • Current budget
  • Alberta Library Trustees Association Handbook
  • The Canadian Library Trustees Handbook
  • Peace Library Information package
  • The Libraries Act- guide to legislation
  • Library Policy handbook
  • Library By-laws
  • Committee information
  • Several copies of board package to bring member up to date on issue facing the board
  • Directory of Board Trustees


2. Early in new members’ term, the library manager shall conduct an orientation tour explaining procedures and regulations of the library


3. Each board member is encouraged to attend a trustee workshop within the first 2 years of being on the board

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board, Honoraria and Remunerations

Policy: 3F


Date Approved: October 6, 2009

Reviewed & Approved: March 18, 2019


1. An honorarium shall be paid to each board trustee attending a regular board meeting, to be paid at the organizational meeting.


2. Any library related meetings attended must receive prior approval from the Board. The Board shall cover expenses incurred according to a schedule set at the Board’s annual meeting


3. Travel expenses will be paid as budget allows. Board trustees are encouraged to travel in one vehicle

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board, Code of Ethics

Policy: 3G


Date Approved: November 2004

Reviewed & Approved: March 18, 2019


Library boards exist to develop, promote and monitor library services as a public trust. To this end, library board trustees should be committed to the following principles:


1. The primary goal of public library board trustees is to ensure that the public has access to the highest quality of library services possible.


2. Members should ensure that each person has access to the most complete library service possible compatible with equal service to others. Where limitations in service are unavoidable any inherent inequality or service should favour those residents least able to obtain alternate service.


3. Library board trustees should observe ethical standards with truth, integrity and honour

  1. Trustees should avoid situations where personal advantage of financial benefits may be gained at the expense of the library users.
  2. Trustees should distinguish between their personal views and those of the institution by respecting the position of the Board, even though they may disagree.
  3. Trustees should respect the confidential nature of library records within the framework which allows for the monitoring of material usage and the need for public accounting


4. Board trustees should respect the establishment structure of the library

  1. Trustees should attempt to work harmoniously with the board and ultimately accept its will
  2. Trustees should limit their trusteeship role to policy governance and advocacy


5. Board members are expected to take responsibility for their personal development through continuing education opportunities and participation in provincial and national library organization.


6. Trustees should support intellectual freedom in the selection of library material


We acknowledge the Louisiana Trustees of Public Libraries, whose code of ethics was used as a model in drafting the ALTA version.

Town of Grimshaw Municipal Board Policy


Subject: Board, Finance and Fundraising Committee

Policy 3H


Date Approved: October 6, 2009

Reviewed & Approved: March 16, 2019



  • To provide sound fiscal advice to the library to ensure its continuing operation.
  • To ensure distinct and regular accounts are kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
  • To ensure annual audit of financial accounts are carried out.
  • To raise sufficient funds to allow the library to contribute to operate at full capacity in accordance with the library’s annual budget.


  • Standing committee of the Grimshaw Municipal Library
  • Minimum of two members
  • Chairperson is ex-officio member
  • Library Manager acts as an advisor to the committee


  • Committee reports in writing to the Board of Trustees following each major fundraising event.
  • Provide a proposed budget with the assistance of the library manager to the board trustees for approval at the October or November meeting.


  • As required


  • Hold sufficient fundraising events to ensure enough monies are available to continue to supplement the operation of the library
  • To authorize the library manager to apply for grants for the library’s operations and programs. If said grants require matching dollars that are unbudgeted, board approval is required.
  • Review, amend or accept the personnel committee recommendations regarding employee salaries.
  • Make recommendations regarding capital equipment and capital acquisitions
  • Oversee any contracts presented to the library for signature.
  • Review, at its discretion, the banking services received by the library. Any change in banking services shall be by motion of the board
  • Signing authority is reviewed at the annual meeting, after the elections

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board, Marketing, Advocacy and Programming Committee

Policy: 3I


Date Reviewed: October 6, 2009

Reviewed & Approved: March 18, 2019



  • To enhance the reputation and raise the profile of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.
  • To assess and fulfill the needs of the community as they relate to the provision of library services.


  • Standing committee of the Grimshaw Municipal Library
  • Minimum of two members
  • Chairperson is ex-officio member
  • Library manager acts as an advisor to the committee


  • Committee reports in writing to the Board of Trustees as required
  • Yearly program plans presented to the Board prior to the annual budgeting process.


  • As required


  • Make the community feel good about the library
  • To assess the needs of the community for library services
  • Review and recommend services, which would be most responsive to the needs of the community.
  • Act as the library spokesperson to the community
  • Develop community awareness of the role of the library in the community
  • Represent the library to government, corporations and foundations
  • Develop and promote public education, cooperating with other community agencies, organizations and libraries
  • Review,  amend and recommend publications used by the library
  • Participate on issue clarification and resolution
  • Review and update the five year plan of service

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Board, Personnel and Policy Committee

Policy:  3J


Date Approved: October 6, 2009

Reviewed & Approved, March 18, 2019



  • To ensure current and appropriate policies are in place with respect to Library operations and human resources
  • Review and amend all policies to ensure that they promote the direction of the library.


  • Standing committee of the Grimshaw Municipal Library
  • Minimum of two members
  • Library Manager shall act as an advisor to the committee, except in matters directly related to the employment of the manager.


  • Committee reports in writing to the board of trustees as required
  • Yearly performance appraisal of the library manager
  • Yearly staffing plans provided by the library manager must be approved prior to setting the annual budget
  • Revises policies, in writing, for the trustee’s approval.


  • As required


  • When necessary, takes preliminary steps to hire a head library manager including conducting interviews, providing a written offer of employment to the successful candidate and bringing forth a recommendation to hire for the Boards approval
  • Ensure that complete and appropriate personnel policies and procedures exist
  • Review and amend policies of the library to ensure that they achieve the following goals

Framework Policies: clarify what the library exists to do, who the library serves, and why Governance Policies: will be consistent with provincial statues and regulations

Will clarify roles, responsibilities, and functions of the board trustees, the library manager and the staff

Will give the public a means to evaluate board performance

Operational Policies: will help to ensure uniformity and consistency in operational procedures

Will assist the board to evaluate its own operations as well as the general administration of the library

Town of Grimshaw Municipal Library Board Policy


Subject: Finance Policy

Policy:   4A 2004


Date Reviewed:  October 7, 2008

Revised: January 21, 2020


1. The Library Board tenders bank accounts at the financial institution best able to meet the financial needs of the board. 


2. The board may obtain a credit card with a limit of $2000.00 for library-related purchases. Signing officers of the Board and the Library Manager may use the credit card as required for purchases.  Those using the credit card must follow the purchasing policy listed in point 8 below. 


3. Any three of the following; the board chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer, secretary and library manager shall be appointed signing officers for the board.  Any two are required to sign for all financial expenditures.


4. The fiscal year of the Library Board shall be January 1 to December 31.


5. The Finance Committee or the committee of the whole is responsible for drafting, with the assistance of Library Manager, an annual budget to be presented and approved by board motion at the October or November meeting and submitted to the Grimshaw Town Council for approval.


In accordance with the Alberta Libraries Act:

SECTION 7 8(1)

The municipal Board shall before December 1 in each year prepare a budget and an estimate   of the money required during the ensuing fiscal year to operate and manage the library.

SECTION 7 8(2)

The budget and the estimate of money shall be forthwith submitted to the council of the municipality

SECTION 7 8(3)

Council may approve the estimate under subsection (1) in whole or in part.


6. The latest financial information shall be available at every regular meeting. Quarterly financial statements with year to date revenue, and expenditures, shall be prepared, and presented to the Board.


7. The Library Manager is authorized to administer funds according to the budget approved by the Board.  Expenditures over $5000, expenditures outside the scope of the approved budget will require prior approval of the Board by board motion.


8. The Grimshaw Municipal Library shall keep distinct and regular accounts of its receipts, payments, credits, assets and liabilities.  Those accounts shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The accounts will be recorded on a QuickBooks program and the Board will purchase payroll services through QuickBooks. An independent auditor approved by the Board at its organizational meeting shall audit the accounts for each fiscal year.  The auditor must meet the approval of town council and the name of the auditor be submitted to Municipal Affairs.  The auditor shall prepare annual financial statements for the application of the annual Library Operating Grant under The Municipal Affairs Grant Regulation.  The audit shall take place prior to May 31 of the year following the year under audit.  All financial statements shall be retained permanently (see 8A)


9. Northern travel allowance is paid at a rate of $250.00 per month for full time employees and calculated per percentage for part time employees, which is included in regular pay.


10. The Board will reimburse staff and board members for library expenses incurred using a personal method of payment that are related to:

  1. Professional development, including courses, workshops and conferences
  2. Attending meetings on behalf of the library board
  3. Materials purchases for the library (eg: books purchased at a local bookstore, materials purchased for library program, etc.)
  4. Other library-related activities approved in advance by the Library Manager.


11. Expenses that may be claimed include:

  1. Travel-related expenses, including

                                                               i.      Mileage for work-related travel in the claimant’s personal vehicle.  Mileage shall be paid at the current rate set at the Board’s organizational meeting in December.  Gasoline for the claimant’s personal vehicle is not eligible for reimbursement.

  1. Registration, tuition, and other similar charges incurred while attending approved library-related professional development.
  2. Charges for collection items and other materials purchased for the library.
  3. Other library expenses not listed above that are approved in advance.


12. All staff reimbursements must be approved in advance by the Library Manager.  All reimbursements of the library manager must be approved in advance by the board chair.  All board member reimbursements must be approved by board motion.  The approver may set limits on how much may be spent on a given expense for reimbursement.


13. Reimbursements shall require original receipts and a completed Library Board Expense Claim Form submitted to the appropriate approver as described in point 11, above.


14. The Library Manager may operate a petty cash account in the amount of $50.00 for a cash register float.


15. The salary grid adopted by the Board pays the Library Manager on a salary basis and staff hourly on a semi-monthly basis as set out. In the attached salary grid, the salary grid shall be reviewed at the annual budget meeting and increases may be made as budget allows.                                                                       


The Town of Grimshaw Library Board is accountable for the effective management of the board’s financial resources.  While the day-to-day administration of finances will be delegated to the Library manager, the Board will continuously monitor the financial status and ensure compliance with legislation by requiring regular and timely financial reports.  The Board appointed Treasurer will review all financial reports and statements and report to the Board at the regularly scheduled Board meetings.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Collection Development:   Materials Selection

Policy:   5A   2004


Date Approved: January 16, 2014

Reviewed & Approved: March 15, 2019


1. The Board Trustees believe the library collection is for all residents of the community and should include materials of literary, educational, informational and recreational value.


2. Responsibility for selection of materials rests with the Library Manager, who will operate within the framework of the policies determined by the board.


3. “Selection” refers to procedures or decisions governing the addition and retention of books or other materials in the collection. It does not refer to reader guidance.


4. Materials are selected on the following basis:

  1. Author’s reputation and his/her significance as a writer.
  2. Recommendation or notation by reviews, critics or general public
  3. Importance of the subject matter to the collection
  4. Scarcity of material on the subject
  5. Availability of the material from other sources (i.e. interlibrary loans)
  6. Timelessness or permanence of the material
  7. Price


5. Strong consideration shall be given to keeping a comprehensive selection of materials by Canadian authors or centered on Canadian content.


6. Priority will be given to purchasing most material through the Peace Library System, as our membership grants us better purchasing power. When needed, materials can be bought from other sources.


7. No library materials shall be excluded because of race, nationality, and political or social views of the author. In establishing this policy the Board endorses the Canadian Federation of Library Associations; Statement of Intellectual Freedom and Libraries, approved September 27, 2015


8. Since the library is a tax-funded institution, any citizen has the right to question the inclusion or exclusion of any title in the library’s collection. The Library Manager will address all complaints, concerning the selection of specific titles, only if submitted in writing using the prescribed form provided. (See attachment, 5A1 and 5A2). Citizens unwilling to accept the decision of the Library Manager may appeal to the Board.



Town of Grimshaw Municipal Library Board Policy


Subject: Collection Development:  Materials Selection

Policy:   5/A    2004


Date Approved: January 16, 2014

Reviewed & Approved: March 15, 2019

5/a   Attachment 1


Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries

Approval History: ~ June 27, 1974 Amended November 17, 1983; November 18, 1985; and September 27, 2015

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations recognizes and values the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the guarantor of the fundamental freedoms in Canada of conscience and religion; of thought, belief, opinion, and expression; of peaceful assembly; and of association.

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations supports and promotes the universal principles of intellectual freedom as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which include the interlocking freedoms to hold opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

In accordance with these principles, the Canadian Federation of Library Associations affirms that all persons in Canada have a fundamental right, subject only to the Constitution and the law, to have access to the full range of knowledge, imagination, ideas, and opinion, and to express their thoughts publicly. Only the courts may abridge free expression rights in Canada.

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations affirms further that libraries have a core responsibility to support, defend and promote the universal principles of intellectual freedom and privacy.

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations holds that libraries are a key institution in Canada for rendering expressive content accessible and affordable to all. Libraries are essential gateways for all persons living in Canada to advance themselves through literacy, lifelong learning, social engagement, and cultural enrichment.

Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and facilitate access to constitutionally protected expressions of knowledge, imagination, ideas, and opinion, including those which some individuals and groups consider unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable. To this end, in accordance with their mandates and professional values and standards, libraries provide, defend and promote equitable access to the widest possible variety of expressive content and resist calls for censorship and the adoption of systems that deny or restrict access to resources.

Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and foster free expression and the right to safe and welcoming places and conditions. To this end, libraries make available their public spaces and services to individuals and groups without discrimination.

Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and defend privacy in the individual’s pursuit of expressive content. To this end, libraries protect the identities and activities of library users except when required by the courts to cede them.

Furthermore, in accordance with established library policies, procedures and due process, libraries resist efforts to limit the exercise of these responsibilities while recognizing the right of criticism by individuals and groups.

Library employees, volunteers and employers as well as library governing entities have a core responsibility to uphold the principles of intellectual freedom in the performance of their respective library roles.



Policy 5/a   Attachment 2


Citizen’s request for reconsideration of material.


Author:  __________________________________________

Title: _____________________________________________

Material Type: ___________________ Publisher (if known) ___________________

Request Initiated by: __________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Telephone #____________ 

Complainant represents:  Them self ________ or Organization: ________________

Identify any other concerned group: _____________________________________

1.To what in the material do you object? Please be specific, cite pages.



2. What do you feel might be the result of reading this material?




3. For what age group do you recommend this material?




4. What would you like your library to do about this material?




5. In its place, what material of equal literary quality would you recommend that would convey as valuable a picture and perspective of our civilization?

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Collection Development:  Donations

Policy: 5B 2004

Date Approved:  June 1, 2005

Reviewed & Approved: June 21, 2021


  1. The criteria for selection (Policy 5A) will also apply to the acceptance of gifts and donations to the library.
  2. Gifts and donations will be accepted with the understanding that the library may dispose of them, as it deems suitable.
  3. The library will not accept any materials that are not outright gifts.
  4. Any person wanting to purchase specific materials for the library will consult with the Library manager, in advance of purchase, to determine what materials would be accepted.
  5. Subject to the discretion of the Board, a reasonable amount of publicity will be allowed regarding gifts.


Cash Donations:

  1. Cash donations will be utilized if in accordance with library policies or at the discretion of the Library Manager and Library Board.


Memorial Donations:

  1. Monies received shall be deposited into general revenue and dispersed in accordance with library policies.
  2. A card shall be sent to the family to acknowledge donors name, address and amount of total donations.  Thank you card with a receipt will be sent to the donors upon receipt. 
  3. Non-cash memorial donations: any person wanting to purchase specific materials for the library in memorial will consult with the Library Manager, in advance of purchase, to determine what materials would be accepted.
  4. The Library Board cannot guarantee that memorial items will remain on display or in use in perpetuity.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Collection Development: Weeding and Maintaining

Policy:   5C 2004


Date Approved: June 1, 2005

Reviewed & Approved: March 15, 2019


1. The collection is evaluated regularly and material is weeded according to selection criteria and physical condition.


2. Guidelines the Library Manager may use for weeding are available in various publications. These guidelines suggest how long materials may be held in the subject area. The general criteria for weeding include:

a)       Physical conditions- worn out, dirty, damaged, ragged binding, missing or torn pages

b)      Subject matter- information is no longer accurate, duplication of materials in a seldom-used area, materials having outdated items or style or having been superseded by updated editions.

c)       Publication or acquisition dates:

  • Ten year maximum for non-fictional material
  • Five year maximum for most science technology or travel materials
  • Basic materials, such as biographies, literary criticisms and cookbooks that do not, should be kept as long as they are useful.
  • Materials purchased to support local interests should be weeded when interest or programs change.

d)      Usage guidelines, Library Manager determines what constitutes lack of use. Exceptions shall be made for the following:

  • Classics, considered basic to the library collection
  • Books by an author who is still publishing
  • Non-Fiction will be determined by both circulation and in-house use.
  • Canadian and/or local authors or books centered on Canadian and/or local interests shall be maintained as an important focus of the collection.


3. Materials and other items weeded at the discretion of the Library Manager may be

  • Exchanged with or donated  to other library or organization
  • Sold to the public through book sales
  • Recycled or destroyed



Employee First Name, Last Name

PO Box, RR, Street Address

City/Town, Province  POSTAL CODE


Dear Mr/Ms Last Name


RE:     Offer of Employment


We are pleased to offer you full-time permanent employment effective October 3, 2017 as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with The Grimshaw Municipal Library under the following terms and conditions:


-       You shall report directly to Ms. Linda Chmilar, Library Manager, and perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the attached job description.  We may amend your duties and responsibilities and reporting relationship as changes occur to meet the operational requirements of The Grimshaw Municipal Library.


-       You will be required to work the following days and hours per week:


  1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



For 8 hr workdays, there are two paid scheduled breaks in the morning and afternoon, for 15 minutes each and an unpaid lunch hour normally between

12 - 1 pm.


For 5 hr workdays, there is one 30 minute unpaid break normally taken at a time agreed between yourself and the other colleague working that day.


-       The Grimshaw Municipal Library values volunteerism.  This position may not be required to work overtime however; we do participate in community events to promote the library.  We will encourage preparation for after hour events during regular work hours.  All extended hours will be approved in advance by the Library Manager and may be eligible to be taken as lieu time at their discretion.


-       Your base wage shall be $$$$ per hour less statutory deductions. The Grimshaw Municipal Library will review performance annually at which time wage adjustments will be reviewed and may be offered upon meeting performance requirements.


-       You will be paid the following vacation pay each pay period on each pay cheque to reflect the following years of service:


  • 0 – 4 completed years of employment at 4% (2 weeks per year)
  • 5 yrs + completed years of employment at 6% (3 weeks per year)


-       You will be required to submit timesheets by the payroll deadlines communicated in order to be paid on the last business day of each month by cheque. Cheques will be available for pick-up at The Grimshaw Municipal Library.


-       In order to give you time to determine whether our working environment will be satisfactory to you, and for us to determine your suitability, it is agreed that the first three (3) months of your employment will be a probationary period during which time The Grimshaw Municipal Library may terminate your employment without notice at any time without cause.  Your probationary period ends XXXXX.


-       The Grimshaw Municipal Library currently doesn’t offer participation in a group benefits program to employees. 


-       The Grimshaw Municipal Library will work with you to identify training and development opportunities to maintain and acquire skills necessary to perform the responsibilities of the job.  Costs for mandatory training will be reviewed and eligible to be paid by The Grimshaw Municipal Library depending on the library’s budget.  


-       All employees shall not disclose confidential information regarding patrons business or other employees unless authorized to do so, or required by law.  Disclosing confidential information is a breach of policy and is grounds for progressives discipline including dismissal.


-       Your position will be required to submit an acceptable Criminal Record with Vulnerable Sector check upon hire. The Grimshaw Municipal Library will conduct regular maintenance of the required background checks every three years to ensure employees are meeting the minimum requirements to continue working with vulnerable patrons.


-       You may terminate your employment at any time in writing by giving The Grimshaw Municipal Library the amount of required notice stated in the Alberta Employment Standards Act.


-       In the event The Grimshaw Municipal Library terminates your employment for cause, you shall be entitled to only the amount of your salary and vacation pay earned up to the effective date of termination.


-       If The Grimshaw Municipal Library terminates your employment without cause, you shall be entitled to notice (or pay in lieu of such notice) as in accordance with the Alberta Employment Standards Act as may be amended from time to time.  Upon receipt of your entitlements in accordance with the Alberta Employment Standards Act no further amounts shall be due and payable to you, whether under statute or common law.


-       Upon termination of your employment, you agree to promptly return to The Grimshaw Municipal Library all of the materials belonging to the organization in your possession.


-       These termination clauses apply to all positions which include promotions or transfers accepted and performed while employed at The Grimshaw Municipal Library.


To accept the offer of employment under the terms and conditions set out above from The Grimshaw Municipal Library, please sign and return a copy of this letter to Linda Chmilar, Library Manager by xxxxxxx after which time this offer of employment will expire.


Welcome to our team!  We look forward to working with you.


Yours truly,


Library Manager




I have read and I understand this offer of employment, and accept employment with The Grimshaw Municipal Library under these terms.




_________________________                                        _________________________

Employee Signature                                                           Date

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Staff Orientation

Policy:   6B   2004

Date Approved: June 1, 2005

Revised October 16, 2017


The board of the Grimshaw Municipal Library stipulates that all employees shall be given proper orientation upon commencing their employment.


1. The Library Manager or designate will supervise all staff orientations.


2. The Library Manager shall provide new staff member with the personnel section from the Grimshaw Municipal Library Board Policy Handbook.


3. Staff shall be provided with ongoing orientation through monthly staff meetings.


4. The outgoing Library Manager shall provide the new Manager with up to four weeks of orientation regarding procedures and duties involved with the management position, if it is feasible.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Terms of Employment

Policy:   2D   2004


Date Approved: February 8, 2011

Revised: October 16, 2017


General conditions of employment

  1. In making appointments to positions, the following will be the primary considerations; ability, qualifications, training, experience, and an appreciation of literature.
  2. All employees hired for a position within the Grimshaw Municipal Library are subject to a three-month probationary period and may be dismissed or may resign during that period without notice.
  3. The employee shall be confirmed in the position upon successful completion of the probationary period, offer letter is attached.
  4. An employee may be released from his/her duties in accordance with the Alberta Employment Standard Act.
  5. All hours worked and sickness or other periods of absence shall be recorded daily by the Library Manager in the Library time book.
  6. All employees will provide 2-week notice of resignation

Salaries and wages

  1. The Library Board shall determine and set salaries and wages as per grid in the fall of each year for the coming fiscal year, provided funds are available for these increases.
  2. The board reserves the right to review salaries and wages at any time during the year.
  3. All Library staff shall be paid at an hourly rate for the hours worked unless otherwise stated by the Board.
  4. Salaries and wages shall be paid bi-monthly
  5. Statutory Holidays are followed as per Alberta Employment Act.


Annual Vacation

  1. Full-time employees only will be entitled to receive an annual paid vacation (based on hours worked per week) as follows: 1 full year but less that 5 years = 2 weeks accrued at 4%; 5 full years and more = 3 weeks accrued at 6%.

Such vacation should be taken within the year in which it is earned and will not generally be accumulative.

  1. Part-time employees or full-time employees who have not completed one full year of service at the time of their termination in lieu of annual vacation entitlement will be paid either monthly or annually holiday pay at the rate of 4%
  2. Statutory Holidays shall be included in computing annual holiday period. An employee’s vacation will be extended by one day with pay for each statutory Holiday that falls during his/her vacation.
  3. Library Manager approval must be given prior to scheduling holidays. Board approval must be given prior to scheduling the Library Manager’s holiday.


Sick Leave

1. Upon completion of the three-month probationary period, the Library Manager shall be entitled to sick leave calculated from the commencement of employment and cumulative, at the rate of 1.25 days per month, up to a total of 20 days, with a medical certificate to be produced if leave is extended past three days. Day meaning Library Managers regular working days.

a. Leave credited for this purpose may be taken by an employee for illness and deducted from the accumulated sick leave credit.

b. Where an employee received wages or salary while unable to work due to the act or negligence of a third party in circumstances where that employee may be entitled by law to recover his/her wages or salary from that third party by legal action, settlement or otherwise, the Board and where applicable, its insurers shall be subrogated to the right of the said employee to recover said wages or salary.

2. An employee who is absent from work without prior authority shall communicate the reasons of his/ her absence to the Library Manager within one hour of the commencement of his/her shift. When an employee is unable to contact the Library Manager within the time limit specified he/she shall do as soon as possible and with an explanation for the delay in advising earlier.

3. An employee taking sick leave shall produce a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner, if requested by management, and in any event shall produce a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner for time taken in excess if three consecutive days.

4. When a Library Manager is granted a leave of absence without pay and returns to the service to the Library on expiration of such absence, he/she shall not receive sick leave credits for the period of absence, but shall retain his/her accumulated credits, if any, existing at the time of such leave being granted.

5. Sick leave without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Library Manager or Board Chairperson to any employee who does not qualify for sick leave with pay, or who is unable to return to work at the termination of the period for which sick leave with pay has been granted.

6. Upon an employee giving the Library notice of termination, no sick leave benefits shall accrue to such employee thereafter.

7. No re-instatement of sick leave will be granted to an employee who voluntarily leaves the Library’s employ and is subsequently re-hired

8. Any employee abusing sick leave entitlements may be dismissed from employment.


Leave of Absence

  1. An employee desiring leave of absence for any length of time and for any reason must apply for same to the Board.
  2. The Board may approve the granting of such leave, which will be without pay.
  3. Employees requesting such leave must apply in writing and shall submit a letter of application. Exceptional circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.
  4. Upon leave being granted, an employee will notify the Board in writing of his/her expected return.


Compassionate Leave

  1. Three days of compassionate leave shall be granted to an employee without loss of pay in the case of death or serious illness of a member of the employee’s immediate family.
  2. For special circumstances, or additional compassionate leave, with or without pay, may be granted at the discretion of the Library Manager or Board Chairperson.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Personnel, Continuing Education

Policy: 6E 2004


Date Revised: December 13, 2021


The Board of the Grimshaw Municipal Library encourages staff to keep abreast of new library developments that will improve service, by attending meetings and taking library related workshops and courses.



  1. Prior approval is required. Approval for staff development must be given by the Library Manager and/or designate.
  2. Budget considerations will factor into approval.
  3. Adequate staff coverage at the library must be available.
  4. If required, traveling expenses for one vehicle per event will be paid at the current rate as set out in the annual organizational meeting. Appropriate overnight accommodations and meal expenses will be covered.


Guidelines for meetings

  1. The Library Manager and/or designate will be given reasonable library time to attend seminars, workshops and meetings of the Peace Library System, Public Library Services Branch and other library related functions, as schedules permit.
  2. The Library Manager and/or designate will be paid his/her regular library wages when attending meetings or professional development activities.


Guidelines for workshops

  1. A report and certificate (if applicable) are required upon completion of a workshop before costs will be reimbursed.


Guidelines for courses

  1. Staff must be an employee of the Library for one full year prior to requesting Board approval for taking courses with the expectation of being reimbursed.
  2. The Board will pay 50% of course fees up front and the remainder will be paid when the employee successfully completes the course, as budget allows.
  3. If the staff member does not successfully complete the course the amount contributed by the Board shall, at the discretion of the board, be repaid by the employee.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services: Hours of Operation for the Public

Policy:   7A   2004


Date Approved: March 20, 2017

Date revised & approved:  April 19, 2021


The Library Board shall set hours of service to encourage library use by all residents of the community. Consideration will be given to the needs of our community, staffing and budget limitations when the hours are reviewed. 

It is the policy of the Library Board to ensure that the library hours are consistent with the Alberta Libraries Act and Alberta Libraries Regulation 141/1998, section 17(2) (f) which requires regularly scheduled public hours of operation per week, including both daytime and evening, and/or weekend hours twelve months of the year.

The current hours of operation are as follows:

Main Branch Hours January-June & September-December

Monday           Closed

Tuesday           10:00am – 4:00pm

Wednesday     10:00am – 4:00pm

Thursday         10:00am – 4:00pm

Friday              10:00am – 4:00pm

Saturday          10:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday Closed

Summer Hours: July and August

North Branch: Monday, Thursday, Saturday – 11:00am - 3:00pm

Main Branch: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11:00am – 3:00pm


The Library Manager may authorize that the library be closed on Statutory Holidays or on days when there is a power and/or equipment failure, extreme weather conditions, or a community event.  As soon as it is determined that the library will be closed, the closed days must be posted so that the public is informed.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services: Circulation

Policy:   7B   2004


Date Revised: May 27, 2019



Confidentiality of client records


It is the policy of the Board to protect the privacy of the individual patron.


Interlibrary Loans


The library encourages interlibrary loan services to enhance the Library’s collection and to share the Library’s resources.


All interlibrary loan requests will be handled according to the policies and procedures set out by the Peace Library System.


Reference and Information


The Library will attempt to make available a broad selection of reference materials. Staff members, to the best of their ability, will attempt to assist patrons in obtaining requested materials.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services: Terms of Use

Policy:   7C   2004


Date Revised: May 27, 2019


Responsibility of a Card Holder


  1. A borrower’s card may only be presented by the person to whom it is issued unless the borrower is physically unable to do so.
  2. A borrower shall notify the library staff of any change of address and/or telephone number, or e-mail, etc.
  3. A borrower shall take proper care of any library item entrusted to his care.
  4. A borrower shall return any library item to the library on or before the due date as provided in the Schedule B - Loan periods.


Loan of Material


  1. In accordance with The Libraries Act, Section 36 (3) there shall be no charge for the use of library resources. This includes materials used on premises, materials loaned or materials acquired from other services at the discretion of the Library Board
  2. The loan periods for various materials are set out in Schedule B.
  3. Library resources may be renewed in accordance with policy established by the Board, as follows:
    1. A book may be renewed twice, provided that it has not been requested by another patron. Any book that is on reserve may not be renewed.
    2. Books may be renewed by telephone
  4. 4. It is recognized that there are non-circulating materials as defined under policy of the Board (reference only)


Penalty Provisions


  1. The fines for late return of resources are as set out in Schedule C.
  2. The fines for damaged or lost resources are as set in Schedule C.
  3. The procedures for demanding the return of overdue materials are as set                         out in Schedule C.
  4. A borrower’s card may be revoked by the Library Manager for the reasons set out in Schedule D.
  5. A person who has had his/her borrowers card revoked pursuant to 6.4 may within 20 days of such revocation, make an appeal to the Board, in writing, setting out the grounds of appeal.
  6. The decision of the Board in appeal pursuant to 6.5 is final and not subject to further appeal
  7. In case of serious dereliction the Board may prosecute an offense under. The Libraries Act, Section 41. The range of penalties applying on conviction for such an offence is set out in Schedule D.
  8. Any fine or penalty imposed pursuant to an offense under 6.7 ensures to the benefit of the Board in accordance with The Libraries Act, section 42.


Borrower’s Refund


  1. No Borrower’s refund will be issued.



Procedure for Acquiring a Borrower’s Card


  1. Any person may apply to the library requesting that a borrower’s card be issued him.
  2. An application pursuant to subsection (2) shall be
    1. In writing in the form prescribed by the Library Manager
    2. Dated and signed by the applicant
    3. Accompanied by the fee described in the Schedule A- Fee Schedule.
    4. Dated and signed by the parent or guardian on applicant who is less than 16 years old.
  3. The Library Manager may issue a borrower’s card that will be valid for one year to a person who has made proper application pursuant to the above 1, 2 and 3, unless revoked by the Library Manager with cause.
  4. Borrower’s fee will be set by the Library Board.


Library Facility


  1. The portion of any building used for public library purposes is open to any member of the public free of charge during hours of operations as are set out by the Board from time to time. Access to the building after hours will not be permitted unless a staff member has been authorized by the Library Manager.
  2. No person using the library building shall:
    1. Conduct himself as to cause unnecessary disturbance to other library users.
    2. Remove any library item from the Library building unless he is a borrower in good standing and the library item has been properly checked out to him by library staff in accordance with the procedures established by the Library Board.
    3. Enter or remain in library building except during normal hours of opening or as allowed in clause 2.
    4. Damage or deface any library property either on the premises or entrusted to his care as a borrower


Schedule A- Fee Schedule


The fee structure for memberships for one year shall be as follows:

Family/Group              $40.00

Adult                            $25.00

Seniors (65+)               $15.00

Youth (18 and under)  $10.00



Schedule B- Loans Periods


The loan period of Library materials that circulate shall be as follows:

            3 weeks on all material

Renewals - 2 times only


Schedule C- Penalty Schedule


1)      All materials overdue will be 25 cents per day per item to maximum of $10.00

2)      All library resources that are overdue 8 weeks (56 days) are assumed to be lost. If the item goes to lost (Polaris report), notice is sent to patron.

Charges shall be made as follows:

  1. Where price is available, borrowers shall be charged full list. Receipt given
  2. Where price is not available the charges will be $30.00 Hardcover/$30.00 Audio/$10.00 Paperback.
  3. Should patron return the item, which belongs to the Grimshaw Library, in good condition we will refund them what they paid for the book.

3)      Library resources that are damaged or soiled beyond repair will be treated the same as if it were “lost”. Damaged items- the patron’s pays full price for the item.

4)      Routine for carrying Section (2) may involve the following

  1. Phone patron (giving patron 1 month)
  2. Send out notice, attach note to patron record
  3. Collection of fees, issuing receipts to patron
  4. Deleting information from computer (forgiving fines/ restore or withdraw item)


Schedule D- Revoking Borrower’s Card


1. The Library Manager may restrict borrowing privileges of any borrower when the borrowers has:

  1. Failed to pay overdue library fines in the amount of $10.00 or more
  2. Failed to pay for damages or lost items entrusted to his care.
  3. Failed to return library items as requested by the Library Manager


2. The maximum penalty on conviction for an offense under The Libraries Act, RSA 2000, c.L-11, s.41 is $500.00 and or six months imprisonment, as provided by s.787 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, RSC 1985 c. C-46

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services: School Hours of Operation

Policy:   7D   2004


Date Approved: March 20, 2017

Date Approved: September 14, 2020


The Library Board shall set hours of service to encourage library use by all residents of the community. Consideration will be given to the needs of our community, staffing and budget limitations when the hours are reviewed. 

It is the policy of the Library Board to ensure that the library hours are consistent with the Alberta Libraries Act and Alberta Libraries Regulation 141/1998, section 17(2) (f) which requires regularly scheduled public hours of operation per week, including both daytime and evening, and/or weekend hours twelve months of the year.

The current hours of operation are as follows:

Main Branch Hours: September - December & January - June

Monday           9:00am – 4:00pm

Tuesday           9:00am – 4:00pm

Wednesday     9:00am – 4:00pm

Thursday         9:00am – 4:00pm

Friday              9:00am – 4:00pm

Saturday          Closed

Sunday Closed

The Library Manager may authorize that the library be closed on Statutory Holidays or on days when there is a power and/or equipment failure, extreme weather conditions, or a community event.  As soon as it is determined that the library will be closed, the closed days must be posted so that the public is informed.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services: Internet Access and Use

Policy:   7E   2004


Date revised and approved: May 27, 2019


The Grimshaw Municipal Library does not restrict access to and has no control over the nature and accuracy of the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.


As is the case with other library materials, parents, legal guardians and caregivers are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services:  Programming

Policy 7F  2004


Date Approved:  May 16, 2021


1. All programs shall reflect the Library’s goals and promote its use. They must be well planned and cost effective. We should avoid duplicating what other agencies in our community have in place. Each program should directly or indirectly offer the library a link to the community and/or achieve a library objective. Once it has been determined that the program meets library goals, every effort must be made to promote the programs effectively.


2. Program format and content will be planned by the Library Manager and Program Coordinators.  Yearly and monthly program plans do not preclude special events or spontaneous ideas, which may initiate short programs.


3. Careful planning is necessary for program success. Consideration must be given to the demands a program may create, through the program itself and the subject matter it covers, and how the library may accommodate with staff and resources.


4. The library may draw on its own staff, community residents and an outside agency or organization when implementing programs.


5. Each program, will be evaluated for its relevance and effectiveness. This evaluation should be made by those staff members directly involved with the program. Results of these evaluations will be noted for future programs and included in the Library Monthly Report.


6. The Library may provide online forms or electronic communication for facilitating program registration or submitting requests. These forms will require some user person information.  The Library will gather only the personal information necessary to facilitate the registration and the person information will not be used for any other purpose.  Personal information provided to library staff through any other electronic communications, such as email, text, will be used only to facilitate the request submitted.


7. Attendance at the library constitutes permission to use photographs for recordings, promotional and reporting purposes.  Attendees should speak to library staff in advance if they do not wish to have photographs of themselves taken and/or posted on library social media formats.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject:  Confidentiality

Policy:   8A   2004


Date Approved: May 3, 2006

Date approved: Sept 20, 2021


Library board members, staff and volunteers will only collect patrons’ personal information when it is required for the purposes of delivering public library service and supports the individual’s right to privacy and recognizes the confidential nature of the personal information gathered by the library.


Library board members, staff, and volunteers are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and the Alberta Library Act.


Staff and volunteers are to keep confidential the reading and viewing habits of individual patrons.


Occasionally names and photos are collected by staff, volunteers, or local media to highlight achievements or successful events in relation to the library.


User records are not to be used to identify or discuss the types of materials used by individual patrons, the number or character of questions asked, or type of electronic searches made.


Access to a borrower’s own records will be granted upon request.


Library staff, board members, and volunteers will not disclose a patron’s personal information to a third party without the individual’s consent, except:

  • in response to a court order (subpoena, search warrant) or another specific written request from a law enforcement agency to assist in an investigation.  Note that library representatives are only required to disclose personal information to law enforcement officers upon presentation of a written court order.  They are not required to comply with other written requests.
  • in partnership with other Alberta libraries and library systems for the purposes of sharing materials under conditions defined in existing resource sharing agreements and programs interlibrary loan agreements, TAL Card, Me Libraries, collecting fees or fines and retrieving borrowed materials.
  • for the purpose of contacting next of kin or emergency response personnel in the case of an emergency


Records are stored on a database shared by member libraries in the Peace Library System, therefore user records may be accessed by other Peace Library System libraries’ staff if required, for the purpose of collecting fines and retrieving borrowed materials.


Personal or otherwise sensitive documents shall be shredded or torn into small pieces and distributed over more than one garbage container when disposed of.


Storage of physical files is to be kept to the legal minimum consistent with efficient operation of the library and the preservation of a meaningful historical record of the Grimshaw Municipal Library.


Decisions as to where to store records shall be made keeping in mind confidentiality, security and implications of possible loss.


Any requests for access not covered by this policy shall be presented to the Board by the Library Manager with comments or recommendations. The Board will permit or deny the request but the Board’s decision must be in accordance with the FOIP Act.


Record Management of all Library Records is set out in greater detail in the Record Management Policy 8/B. This policy designates the Library Manager as the person in charge of Freedom of Information Protection.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Records Management

Policy:   8B   2004


Date Revised: December 13, 2021


Purpose: This policy presents Board criteria for the retention, storing and purging of library records, designates Grimshaw Municipal Library FOIP head and sets out Grimshaw Municipal Library Personal Information Banks.


Policies: The Library Manager is designated FOIP head of the Library. The Library Manager will maintain adequate records to compile monthly and annual activity reports. The storage of files is to be kept to the legal minimum consistent with efficient operation of the library and the preservation of meaningful historical record of the Grimshaw Municipal Library. Where records are deemed to be vital, the confidentiality or security of the files and the implications of their possible loss or destruction should be taken into account when making decisions to where to store them. With the expectation of those materials obtained or documented for the express purpose of public use, the records of the Library are confidential and may be accessed only with permission of the Board.  No fee is required for the FOIP requests at present.

User records are confidential unless subpoenaed by law.


Retaining Procedures: The Library Manager will determine the best method of retaining necessary records of the Library. This procedure will address the following issues:

  1. Redundancy
  2. Importance or lack thereof
  3. Age- Only those records, which fall within the criteria for ‘Necessary Records’ will be retained. ‘Necessary Records’ require listing and date for discard.


Discard Procedures: Administrative files shall be purged annually and records moved, archived or destroyed as appropriate.

  1. Regular garbage disposal (wastebasket) for documents that do not contain personal or sensitive information
  2. Shredding, or tearing into small pieces and disposing into more than one garbage container all personal sensitive documents that are no longer deemed ‘Necessary records.’

The Library Manager will ensure that this method is carried out. The Library Manager will present all request of access to the Library’s confidential records to the Board together with any comments or recommendations.


Storage of Records: Essential records of the Grimshaw Municipal Library shall have special protection and be retained. The following are deemed essential records:

  • Board Minutes (permanent)
  • By-laws of the library (permanent or until amended)
  • Current contracts and services/maintenance agreements until superseded
  • Database of books held in Grimshaw Municipal Library (permanent)
  • Employee records (permanent)
  • Financial statements and other financial records (permanent)
  • Insurance policies, if any, inventory of furniture and other assets (permanent)
  • Membership agreements that form the library (keep current only or needed by library administration)
  • Policy manual and amendments (permanent)
  • Procedures manual (permanent with updates)

Other documents are maintained in administrative or employee work areas.


Purging of Records: Administrative files shall be purged annually and records moved, archived or destroyed appropriately.

  1. The following records shall be retained for ten years after expiry or termination: Accident or incident reports. Contracts and legal agreements.
  2. The following records shall be retained for seven years after the year to which they relate: Financial documents including cancelled cheques.
  3. The following records shall be retained for five years after the year to which they relate: non-essential financial records; archived correspondence; member library files; non- essential administrative files, correspondence and records.


Staff is responsible for maintaining of their own current and working files. Any necessary or significant records received by any member of the staff shall be retained as administrative or essential files, with copies only in working files.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Operations: Patron Complaints

Policy:   9A   2004


Date Approved: May 27, 2019

1.  If a patron wishes to complain to the Board about any matter it must be in writing, addressed to the board.

2. The Board’s decision in such matters shall be final and not subject to appeal.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Operations: Denial of Access to the Library

Policy:   9B   2004


Date Approved: May 27, 2019


  1. Access to the Library maybe denied for due cause: the destruction of Library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other objectionable conduct on Library premises, The Library Board will establish protocol to deal with such situations.
    1. The destruction of library property.
    2. Disturbance of other patrons.
    3. Any other objectionable conduct on library premises.
    4. Verbal or physical abuse to staff or patrons.
  2. The Library Board establish protocol to deal with such situations.
  3. Procedures will be followed for children under the age of 12 years as per Policy 9C Library Services: Unattended Children.
  4. Verbal abuse toward library staff and other patrons will not be tolerated.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Library Services: Unattended Children

Policy:   9C   2019


Date Approved:  May 20, 2019


The Grimshaw Municipal Library is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming environment that is accessible, inclusive and comfortable in which all residents and visitors may meet and interact.  Families with young children are encouraged to use and enjoy the library’s facilities, resources, services and programs so long as they do so with respect of others who use our public facility.


Library staff cannot care for, nor assume responsibility for, children who are left unattended in the library.  Parents are advised to exercise the same caution with their children as they would in any other public setting.  Responsibility for the well-being and behaviour of children who use the library rests with the parent, legal guardian or caregiver.


The following rules are generally defined based on the child’s age; maturity and self-directed behaviour including the ability to accurately recite or produce contact information for a parent, legal guardian or caregiver:

  • Children under 6 years must be under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian or caregiver at all times.
  • Children ages 6 – 12 years may use the library unaccompanied to attend programs (unless otherwise posted) or access services.  Parents, guardians or caregivers must be aware of operational hours, and contact information must be provided.


Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated; parents, guardians or caregivers will be contacted to immediately pick up their child.  If the parent, guardian or caregiver cannot be reached within 30 minutes the RCMP may be notified that we have a disruptive unattended minor.


Under no circumstances will library staff transport or take a child away from the library facility.  If a child remains in the library after the posted hours of operation library staff will respond according to   procedure.  Every effort will be made to contact the parent, guardian or caregiver.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy

Subject: Library Operations: Pandemic Policy

Policy:  9D 

Date Approved: June 21, 2021

The Grimshaw Municipal Library will follow government authority directives regarding a pandemic.

It is the responsibility of management to implement these directives and communicate library safety policies and procedures to employees and the public.

In the event of a pandemic, the Library Manager has the authority to temporarily modify all operations, including open hours, staffing levels, and services offered.  The Library Manager will inform employees when access to the library facility will be controlled and limited.  Return to the workplace and re-opening to the public will be decided and communicated by the Library Manager.

All employees will ensure they understand and comply with infection prevention policies and practices in the workplace.  All employees are required to be vigilant of their own health during a declared pandemic.  Employees with symptoms, as well as those who have no symptoms but think they may have been exposed, must inform the Library Manager immediately.

When a pandemic has been declared, flexible work shifts and/or working remotely may be assigned to employees.  If necessary, employee layoffs will be decided and announced by the Library Manager after consultation with the Board.

The Library Manager shall endeavor to maintain and keep the board informed of developments as they occur.

COVID-19 Handling of Library Materials

In accordance with the Alberta Government “COVID-19 Information: Guidance for Libraries: their most current document, the Grimshaw Municipal Library will be taking increased measures to ensure the safe handling of Library materials.

  • Staff will sanitize their hands and worksurface before and after handling library materials.
  • Staff will have the option of wearing a supplied mask while handling library materials.
  • All library materials that have been returned will be quarantined in a designated room for a designated time as per the Library Manager.

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Emergency Procedures

Policy:   10A 2004

Revised & approved:  October 18, 2021


Library Manager Responsibilities

  • Maintain overall responsibility for the Emergency Management Plan
  • Ensure the Plan is a component of the Municipal Emergency Plan
  • Ensure emergency supplies to support activation of the Plan are maintained
  • Ensure that staff receive emergency preparedness education and training
  • Ensure that staff alerting procedures are established.
  • Maintain an emergency staff phone list both on and off site
  • Ensure that parent/guardian notification procedures, where applicable are established
  • Inform respective administrators regarding emergency preparedness
  • Be prepared to activate the plan


Library Evacuation

For use in a situation where patrons/students are in danger and must be relocated to a safer location.  Examples of situations may include:

  • Fire
  • Explosion
  • Hazardous Materials release
  • Any event where there is a risk to life, if the campus remains occupied.
  1. At the sound of the fire alarm, staff, patrons and students are to move silently and in an orderly fashion to the designated fire exit.  All equipment, which is in use, is to be turned off.  Windows should be closed and doors should be shut but not locked. 
  2. Students with teachers in the library shall evacuate using the library evacuation. Those students on spares in the library shall remain with the Library Manager and staff.
  3. Library staff will take the student sign in sheet in order to relay to the teacher’s which students were in the library at the time.
  4. Once at the muster station, teachers are to take attendance and to advise the Site Incident Commander (Principal or Designate) of any student(s) that are not accounted for.
  5.  In cases of the fire alarm going off, act as if there is a real fire taking place somewhere in the building.  All persons in the library will evacuate the building, meet at the muster station and not leave the parking lot until all is deemed clear to do so.
  6. In the case of a fire drill, library staff and patrons, teachers and their classes will be called back into the library/school once the drill is over. If it is unsafe to return to the school, teachers will accompany their class to the primary/secondary evacuation site, as instructed.  Public patrons will remain at the muster point until instruction from the fire department.


Isolation - Lockdowns 

For use in a situation where there is a threat of violence or other crisis occurs inside or outside the facility and if moving around or an evacuation would be dangerous. This type of event is not identified through the activating of the fire alarm, but through an announcement on the P.A. system identifying the type of event.


This section includes the following Roles and Responsibilities:

Facility Staff

Includes the following: The Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw Municipal Library, Holy Family Catholic School and Grimshaw Public School.


Site Incident Commander (SIC)

The Director of Community Services, Principals, Library Manager or their designate; this individual oversees their area within the facility during an emergency, working in concert with the EIC and respective Senior Administrations.



  1. Any member of the Facility Staff who observes or suspects a dangerous/life threatening situation shall immediately notify the Site Incident Commander.
  2. The Site Incident Commander will declare “Teachers, please lock your doors” and activate the Lockdown button.
  3. All patrons, students and staff will report to the designated area in the library (the sitting area by the fireplace) take cover and stay low, stay quiet and out of sight, if possible.
  4. Interior Doors and windows will be locked, and subsequently opened only to students and staff seeking safety or to the police.  Once doors are locked they should not be opened until the lockdown is declared over.  Exterior doors are to remain locked.
  5. Lock the entrance to the atrium doors, pull blinds that are nearest the front entrance, move book shelves for cover.
  6. Shut off all audiovisual equipment and turn off lights.
  7. If there is an active threat inside the building, staff, patrons and students must not exit their lockdown area.
  8. The library will remain in library lockdown mode until a police officer advises otherwise.
  9. Lockdown will be ended by an announcement being made or the appropriate authority clearing the building.
  10. A debrief of staff, students and patrons will be conducted as soon as possible following the lockdown all clear.

Library Evacuation:

The Library Manager and employees of the Grimshaw Municipal Library are committed to providing a safe facility and workplace.  In case of Emergency please follow the following procedures so that we can continue to keep everyone safe.

Potential Emergencies:  The following have been identified as potential emergencies:

  • Medical
  • Fire/Explosion
  • Gas releases; Anhydrous Ammonia, Carbon Monoxide & Natural Gas


Emergency Procedures:  If one of the above emergencies occur, follow these steps:

  • Medical
    • Make area safe for yourself, patrons, patient and responders,
    • If there is not a first aid kit and/or first aider on scene contact a staff member to get them,
    • Call 911. Provide number, condition and location of patient
    • Provide First Aid until Emergency Responders arrive.
  • Medical First Aid Resources
    • First Aid Kit is in the bottom drawer of the printer station.
    • AED (Automatic External Defibrillators is located at the centre of the library.
    Fire/Explosion/Gas Release
    • Sound Alarm, the pull station is at the front entrance of the library
    • Leave area/close doors if possible, and exit building by the closest exit route, taking all persons with you
    • Proceed to MUSTER point at east side of east parking lot,
    • Take attendance of all employees and patrons,
    • Await further instructions from Fire Department, advise of unaccounted for persons
    • This building is sprinklered, and alarmed for Anhydrous Ammonia and Carbon Monoxide leaks, your responsibility is evacuation
    • Pull stations are located throughout the facilities at all building exits.  (Multiplex, Atrium, Schools, Library)

Town of Grimshaw Library Board Policy


Subject: Policy on Policies

Policy:   11A   2004

Date Approved: June 1, 2005

Date Reviewed: December 13, 2021


1. New policy may be presented at two successive meetings prior to adoption by motion. Or by special motion and with entire Board in attendance and agreement, two readings may be taken at one meeting.


2. Policy may be reviewed by addition and/or deletion.


3. Policy may be reviewed annually.

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Mission:  To provide a welcoming environment for people to enrich their lives through information, education and entertainment.

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